Coordinated Action on Disability in Liberia – CAD-L

The Coordinated Action on Disability in Liberia, CAD-L, Project is a four-year intervention that aims to change systems and institutions in Liberia to include Persons with Disabilities in development processes, acting as advocates and agents of change for an equitable and inclusive society. CAD-L started with an Inception phase (pilot project) of 12 months in January 2020, which was extended until May 31, 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CAD-L full phase program started on 01 September 2021. The Action coordinates the efforts of duty bearers (employers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, the police, among others), right based holders (persons with disabilities and leprosy patients), organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) and of women with disabilities (OWWDs), and the institutions and CSOs representing them, towards improving the economic independence of PWDs through access to socio-economic and sexual reproductive health rights (SRHRs) and to means of communication to advocate for their entitlements. The project is implemented in Lofa, Nimba, Bong, Montserrado and Bomi Counties.

CAD-L Project’s theory of change proposes improved access to accessible information (O.1), to economic rights (O.2), and to employment/entrepreneurship opportunities (O.3) for persons with disabilities to build their confidence, competences, and skills, leading to improved economic independence (Overall Outcome). This, in turn, contributes to their social and economic empowerment and enables them to act as agents of change for an equitable and inclusive Liberia (Impact).

CAD-L outcome is built on the successes of the Disability and Start-up project (DASU) to engage PWDs in start-up activities (micro, small and medium enterprises) and provide them with access to funding through revolving fund, thus contributing new opportunities for their self-employment. AIFO recognizes that not everyone may have an interest and/or predisposition to self-employment. CAD-L, therefore, wants to ensure that the economic independence needs of PWDs are also met within the classic labor market and so aims to promote opportunities for PWDs to improve their technical and vocational skills at accessible TVET centers and acquire firsthand experiences through accessible internship programs.


Project is Funded by Sida

Project Location

Nimba, Lofa, Bomi, Montserrado and Bong Counties


$ 4.050.000,00 USD


Health, socio - economic, media, and education

Other Partners

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), and National Commission on Disabilities (NCD)

Local partner

National Commision on Disabilities in Liberia, NCD, National Union of Organizations of the Disabled, NUOD, Liberia Labor Congress, LLC, and DKT International Liberia

Project Start Date

September 1, 2021

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