Disability and Startup Project Newsletter-Issue:2

We are excited to announce the publication of the Second Issue of the “Disability and Startup Project Newsletter”. The newsletter covers the period January-June, 2019. It is dedicated to sharing progress, success stories of beneficiaries, and an informed editorial all intended to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Liberia. The newsletter is also part of AIFO’s effort to highlight best practices working with people with disabilities and the meaningful work of the project actors in the concerned project areas. Please follow this link to access the newsletter:DASU Newsletter January-June, 2019_Issue 2

 Many thanks to all those who helped to make this edition a success.  We are keen to respond to the interests of our readers and look forward to your feedbacks, comments and suggestions on subsequent editions using the contact address at:  aifoliberia@gmail.com

Watch out for another exciting edition coming up soon!